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Cathy Renquist
There isn't much to know about me. I'm a student in Minnesota. I lived in New Jersey all of my life. And I've been Following Dan Castiel's music since 1996. I'm into everything he's done from Thrillseeker to Dizzy Dog, Sleepy Hollow, and his new band Anubis. In this picture I'm dressed up as the female Gene Simmons next to Dan. This was taken at the NY KISS expo in April 2001! :)>

The History or Story Behind My Site
Basiclly, this all started because, as you know, I'm a big fan. I saw all this cool stuff coming out about Dan and I wanted to do something on my own to give back to all the other fans, like me, who enjoy his music. So I created this site.

I also welcome any info you have.
If you have info about dan as well that I didn't put on the site email me and I'll post it.
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