The Dan Castiel Mega-Fan Page
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Welcome To My Dan Castiel Page
Hey guys! My name is Cathy Renquist, and I'm a big fan of Dan Castiel's music! I've been following him since about 1996 when he was with the band Thrillseeker. I went to all of the shows and have all the memorabilia. Since them I've been following him and all his projects since! As you navigate through my web sit you'll see many pictures and Information about Dan! I hope you enjoy it! :)
Dan is now in Haphazard
Dan has just joined Haphazard! I just found out from his website!
Plus Dan is recording his first demo of the new band Anubis.
New additions
Here's where you'll find out about new additions to the site. Keep checking back soon.

Be sure to sign the guestbook!
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I'm in the picture with Dan and fellow Sleepy Hollow members Frank and Joe, in August 2001