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Dan is currently completing work on his second CD with Sleepy Hollow.
Sleepy Hollow's second CD entitled "Going Over" is looking at a release date of early July. All the final mixes are done, and they're currently mastering this disc. No further information is available.

Frank Melick has left Sleepy Hollow due to creative differences. However Frank will be appearing on the album cover and listed as the drummer. Neither camp has made any statements at this time.

Sleepy Hollow returns to the stage on Saturday July 20nd 2002 at 11pm. Opening for the Dorrs Tribute the Soft Parade. At the Wreck Room in Wallington, NJ

And finally, Dan is currently working on his new project 'Anubis' featuring Jeff Paitchell on guitar and Joey D. on drums. They are reworking some of Dan's songs and will be demoing them for a major record deal. Pre-production is in the works for the recording, Which will commence within the next 2 weeks.

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